Monday 22 June 2015

EXP 3 Model Update

Simplified Theory:

The perceived quality of life in buildings is focused on a catalogue of configurations of geometry designed to enliven the experience of volumes. A variation of geometry makes the architectural design discover unexpected juxtapositions and additions of volumetric spaces into an organized alphabetOften spaces that are overly concerned with replicating copies of basic elements makes the experience of urban spaces an instant misery. A living architectural design requires a library of structures on all scales sprouting like branches. Natural diversity is essential in our society as humans value pursuing this desire for changes and discovering new fashions.Analysis of buildings with replicating extensions is generally abandoned in discussion of architecture. A type of architecture survives only by inventing a library where contrast in geometries continues to evolve over volumetric spaces introducing changes to the internal experience.

The Plan:

Developed plan on Sketchup:

One of the moving elements will be the pod which transports students to the cubic spaces, following the edge of the opening seen in the above picture. I haven't completely decided on the second moving element, but to reinforce my theory about "introducing changes to the internal experience" I'll have this moveable ceiling or facade.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kirsty, time is short so i would focus on the internals and details to make it a finished architectural product.
